Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
3.25am 25 Jan 09- Trying out my courage
Woke up and can not continue my beauty sleep, due to excitement of flying home tonight.
I online and go to miricommunity, and click this site. I dare you to read it in early morning. Sure scared me! My bad, my bad.
Read Blogs.....
So good that I can go home. Can't wait to see Fifi and Jojo and eat keropok, acar.
News from the barge: Ewan Neil went to barge and have meeting. Terra Seis will take over our Equipment and carry on with the project in Bakassi. Anyone who wish to work in Bakassi are welcomed to work under Terra Seis with 400USD a day.
My friend, Andy already book one place.
It is the matter of money or life. Money or Life!! If nothing misfortune happen, can be rich. If something happen, your wife will get rich and get another husband or your family will live in leisure for some long time. If no family, the company will help to donate the money to seismic charity, have a safety quiz in memory of you.
Why there were any news given to us who live so near to Ewan?
They like to keep us waiting ... waiting..... very annoying.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Adventure in Bakassi, Cameroon - Chapter 5
10 Jan 2009-Bakassi, Cameroon (ex-Nigeria)
We reached Bakassi offshore around noon time. We actually expected to reach Bakassi around night time. Pacific Sabre, tugboat did a good job, we really feel that our barge was moving fast. When we reached Bakassi, all feel so fine. We can see the shore, foggy scenery because of humid. Many platform around us, it makes us more secure. We thought so many platforms didnt get attack, we will not get attack too.By the way, we have many BIR armed forces sitting around protecting us.

Around 3am, (I always woke up around 3 am, due to sleep too early around 8.30pm) I heard many securities walking around outside my room with radio. Kinda scary because they may be rebel who onboard our barge. My imaginations ran wild. I continue my sleep again and begin my routine by waking around 5.30am and eat breakfast. During my breakfast, my collegaue ask me about what happen early morning because our project manager was woken up by security. I said I do not know.
Before toolbox meeting, people are talking about our tugboat being shot and captured by rebel this early morning. our PM clarified the rumor by saying that there were attack to one of the tugboat early morning and the tugboat is safe now. I was shocked for a moment, and felt terrified after recovered from the shock. We were all sleeping, we can die anytime. According to Barge crew, the tugboat contact the barge when there are shooting. They counter shot for 30 mins. The boat which attacked them were the same military boat which came near barge yesterday, they were asked they are cameroonian or nigerian military, but they didn't answered, chased by our TZ with securities. Fyi, TZ boat speed is around 5 knots, rebel's fastboat is around 30 knots. If rebel make one circle around the barge, I dont think tZ manage to finish half circle. All bosses have meeting, while Pacific sabre along side our barge, can see clearly there are only shot at the bridge and around light. While bosses having emergency meeting, Pacific Sabre left us. Only left small tugboat to tow the barge if we want to leave!

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Adventure in Bakassi, Cameroon - Chapter 4
There is nothing special going on. Barge still at the port. Routine everyday:
5.15 am wake up, breakfast
6.15 am toolbox meeting
6.30 am++ sit in office do some work or teach
9.00 am Coffee break, have break with chocolate or milk spread
11.45 am Lunch break
1.00 pm Go to office, lazy during afternoon, do less work, browse internet more
3.00 pm Coffee break
5.00 pm Go to gym and go to helipad if diligent; sit in office while waiting for dinner if too
lazy for gym
This routine is only applicable during standby and when not too busy.
Refer for the post of New Year Touch for my new year. As usual sleep on New Year night.
1-9 Jan 2009
On the 1st day of New Year, almost all angmoh who drinks alcohol were not present during toolbox meeting. Even our project manager hung over n just went to sleep this morning (I saw him walk pass me this morning when I was on my way to breakfast). HSE said we will have half day off, just not sure morning half day off or afternoon half day off. So we assume is afternoon half day off. All contractor laborers are not working today. Most of the day, I only tell practically all my online friend that I am working today. Pathetic me for whining again.
Everyday we were told that we will start sailing to Bakassi the next day. So we just prepare ourselves and stuff for work. From time to time, Jens will voiced out about security when we will work in prospect. Me as an ignorant felt nothing, but when I see how Jens talk, I sensed that he is scare. We were not told much of what we will face in Bakassi. We as in survey department having the mind set of wait and see, just go whenever the company told us to go. IF company say go die, we will go die. Obedient us.
On 5 Jan 09, there are many BIR armed forces came on our barge. It seems like we are preparing ourselves for a war. Bakassi is actually a war zone, red area. Any unknown ship may be shot down by BIR armed forces. BIR look scary and smelly. They were trained on land, so doesn't have experience on marine. Maybe they will get seasick once start sailing.
On 6 Jan 09, early morning, standing on the deck looking around. mmmm... Suddenly saw a moving object by the small bridge between port and barge. After clearing my eyes, I saw one of BIR standing there. They are very good in hiding if they do not smile or show their teeth while guarding. Black and dark blend well together.
Hisan and I decided try to take solo picture with one of BIR. So both of us are like stalker, try to catch one of them to take picture with us. Finally we catch one while we are looking around at the deck.
8 Jan - We were confirmed that we will sail today. In the morning, Jason and Hongi came to talk to us about the real situation, about policy of company. We can stop the project if we feel that it is not safe to work. Then we all start to really feel the tremors. I personally really feel very unsafe, because there are so many doubts about our security. Anyone onshore will know if we are attacked? Any plan for us if we get attack? I send an email to all big bosses and ask for a halt. I googled Bakassi and found out there were so many attack which just happen recently. Even a company back up from that area and gave compensation to their employees, 25 % of their salary just because they were near Bakassi, Nigeria side of Bakassi. My email gave some impact to management. They have meeting with HSE and us. According to management, we will still go and see what will happen. Sailing postponed to 9 Jan 09.
9 Jan - Preparing to sail. Everyone so excited like sakai. Scheduled to be towed by 2 tugboats around 5pm, high tide. Bigger tugboat in front and smaller at back guiding the barge. Huge tugboat towed by 2 much smaller tugboats.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Adventure in Bakassi, Cameroon - Chapter 3
My luggage supposed to reach Douala Airport at 11am. Driver Idris will take it for me. So I just wait wait, eat my leftover burger for breakfast. Still no news. When admin had the news, it is bad news. My luggage is not yet to be found. Operation manager decided to send me to barge as soon as possible. So they send me with Florence, accountant to buy some necessity. Imported stuffs are so expensive in Cameroon. One knee length pants made in Bangladesh cost around 20USD (price of 2 disgusting pizzas). Bangladesh stuff is very cheap n Bangladesh, not reasonable price. We got out of the store and head to other store to see any cheaper stuff. I got a call that my luggage is in staff house, they found my luggage. I can't say I am not a lucky girl. Others have to wait at least 1 week to get their luggage, and I always get my luggage back the next day. Bad Kenya Airline. Get my big luggage back, but my beauty kit still want to travel without me. It is fine, because I have my facial cleanser in big luggage. Hehehehe. Thank God! Then I headed to Douala port where the barge is parking. On the way, by the river, there are many couples dating, western style of dating if u get what I meant. The barge is so huge, n white. At first I can't see it, because I stand too near to it, Europa Barge. Tall and huge!
The barge has nice rooms, with attached bathroom and a window. It is very nice and clean. Menu for dinnerand lunch are good too, they always have nice fresh fish.
When I get there, I was given barge orientation by barge HSE, Robert. He took he around the barge, telling me where to go if have emergency, bla bla bla. He is Cameroonian, but he speaks like singaporean with all 'le, la'. I realised freach speaker who speak English, always have this slang of singaporean or malaysian, 'la le'.
After that, I went to survey office and met all new colleagues, who mostly are Indonesian, some Bangladeshi. Then rest in my room and sleep.
No Chinese new year
No prospect
No chatting
No annoying person
No hope
Monday, January 19, 2009
New Year Touch
Then I see my blog, which have not been updated for a very long time. It is only updated because something BIG had happened, never touch New Year before.
Here I am going to say about my New Year.
I reached Cameroon on 26 Dec 08, which is after Christmas. My colleagues told me that the company arranged that they went out onshore to a restaurant for Christmas celebration.
So we also expect the same celebration will happen for new year.
Yes we did eat out by the beach, but eat out at the deck!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Adventure in Bakassi, Cameroon - Chapter 2
26 Dec 08, Around 11pm local time- when I reached Douala Airport.
When I walk out from the plane, I keep watching around for someone to pick me up. Usually there will be someone to pick me up before I reach immigration. But no on, so I just get out of immigration by myself. The immigration have no one, and we just go pass the immigration n the door is lock. All of us go back to Q up before immigration. heheheh. The immigration guy came and sat in his cubicle, we start to go and stamp our passport. (This thing also happened in Malaysia, when my colleague flew to remote area).
So many people were waiting for luggage. 3 flight landed almost same time. I have to wait for 30 mins before any luggage shows up. When it comes out, keep looking out for my luggage, that was the time my company guy saw me. He wore company jacket, so I know is him. We continue waiting for my luggage. Still no sight of my luggage when Kenya airline finish his luggages.
Seems like my whole plane doesn't have luggage delivered. Frustrated! How to survive tonight without my facial cleanser! We were told to come back tomorrow for missing luggage. We go to staff house a.k.a Duoala Office, be given a room with a towel and a soap bar by Petar admin. Bed is not springy. It became flat when i sat on it. My poor face, already ugly, now have to be abused by hard soap bar. wah! not cute anymore!!! The result of washing my face with soap bar: many small biji meat appear on my forehead and cheekbone. So sad.
Lesson to be learned: pack enough clothes for 3 days in backpack.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Adventure in Bakassi, Cameroon - Chapter 1
Supposed to go work on 26 Dec. Due to no good connecting flight to Douala, Cameroon, I have to fly on Christmas. Lucky all fun is on Christmas eve. Had a fun night with Jayne from 7-9.45pm, and with Cherish from 9.45 pm till 2am (shhhhh someone's mother can't know bout this). When I reach home around 2 am, I have to start packing cause I want to go out for nice breakfast and spend time with friend before I left for work. Around 5pm, my bro bring me to airport. Feed 2 dogs before I go. Bye bye Jojo Fifi. Jojo is still so fierce, want to bite me before I go to work.
Buy 2 burgers at KLIA, to feed me during transit.
26 Dec 08 - Airportssssssss (MAS from Miri-Kuching-KLIA-Johannesburg, South Africa, Kenya airlines from Johannesburg-Nairobi, Kenya-Yaounde, Cameroon-Douala, Cameroon)
Due to different time zone and jetlag, I lost count of time and date. I feel so sleepy in every airport. Whenever i find a clean couch where i can lay down, I just lay down and sleep on my hand and cover my butt with Egypt made slingbag and face with my jacket. Maybe snore a bit. But who cares. No one knows me here. I slept in KLIA, slept in Johannesburg. Can't lay down in Nairobi cause too dirty. Just slept on plane, only be disturbed to eat ( have rice on Kenya airlines).
When I was flying, the experience is special. We always thought Africans are kind of rough, but doesn't feel like that during my whole journey. (I found out that not all are gentle sound, met many rude one in Seme beach hotel, and in market when I buy souvenirs) They look rough but sound gentle, maybe cause they speak French too. As many knows, Latinos always sound sexy, hehehehe. In Johannesburg, they speak English to each other, they also speak Johannesburg local language. I said Johannesburg local language because that local language maybe only understood my Johannesburg people. They have hundreds of local language. It feels weird when they speak English to each other. It is like they are blacks, supposed to understand each other, supposed to have common language, but English is their local language. It makes them doesn't feel like pure African. Results of foreign occupations.
Thursday December 25, 2008
Africans have problems acclimatising, says minister
PETALING JAYA: Malaysia’s efforts to be an international education hub by first attracting African students has hit a snag.
The Botswana government will reduce the number of students sent to study in Malaysian universities and colleges next year.
Its Education and Skills Develop-ment Minister, Jacob Nkate, said Botswana students who accounted for over 20% of the African students here had trouble acclimatising to the Malaysian culture.
He was quoted in a Botswana English daily Mmegi during a function soon after returning from a visit to Malaysia following the death of three students from the country.
Last month, two Botswana students died after falling from apartment balconies while the third died in a road accident.
It was reported that the students blamed the hostile environment they encountered in Malaysia that forced many of them to turn to alcoholism and other anti-social behaviour.
There are more than ,7000 African students here and of that number, 1,635 are from Botswana.
Nkate said some of the students had been given too much liberty by the local institutions.
He added that universities and colleges should not allow Botswana students to sit for examinations unless they had attended 80% of their classes.
Multimedia University (MMU) president Prof Dr Zaharin Yusoff expressed surprise at Nkate’s announcement.
“He visited MMU with his team recently and seemed happy with what we’re doing. He said that things would continue as normal.”
Prof Zaharin admitted that MMU’s requirements for those taking examinations were not very strict, but the university was willing to change the rules for Botswana students should the minister insist upon that.
UCSI University president Peter Ng welcomed the minister’s comments and said this was an opportunity to analyse the current situation.
“Local institutions and our Ministry of Higher Education should take stock of where we have failed and see this as a learning opportunity.
“The ministry should have a built-in system to help international students acclimatise socially, such as arranging host families to look after them,” Ng said.
Sunway University College (SUC) executive director Elizabeth Lee gave the assurance that SUC paid “special attention” to Botswana students, such as arranging additional mathematics classes for them.
Adapted from
That is the airport in Johannesburg. It is very nice and new. It is said that they build it in preparing for Football World Cup 2010.
Also transit in Nairobi, it i so old and stuffy. I think I am going to worse airports for next transit.
Transit in Younde, but have to stay on plane while transit. And reach Douala Airport, my destination airport is real worse.