Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Feeling very nice yesterday.

I chat less, pay more attention to my facebook.

Chat with some cute guys and shy guy.

I found my passion yesterday but lost it today.

Why is it so hard to have a passion that last a bit longer than one month?


walla said...

You seem to be writing to yourself and for yourself.

Something must have happened to you before. It has caused a rupture inside you.

You are one minute happy, next moment sad. It's you trying to solve that problem inside.

But you are not going it the right way.

If you are in a room walled by mirrors, only you will you see. If that you see is a you of problems, that you looking at those you's in the mirror will not solve the problem inside the you that is reading this.

May i suggest the following; do them in exactly the same step order:

1. admit to yourself you have made some mistakes which had turned people off; even if those mistakes others are also to take some blame;

2. see yourself as a genuinely good human being like other human beings who have also made mistakes;

3. then because you believe you have the potential to be better, you will believe that you can solve those problems;

4. group those problems; put a blank piece of paper on the table next to the mousepad. Now;

5. draw some boxes on the paper; Now;

6. in each box, write one and only one problem that you think is wrong with you; Now;

7. stop for a second, and get that rising anger of what i have written off your chest;

8. now that you are calmer, imagine you are now twenty years older than you of now;

9. imagine that the older you are now looking at that piece of paper with those problems written in the boxes;

10. ask yourself, Now, what you think now will the comments that you of twenty years later will be saying on each of the problems in those boxes that you have filled;

11. write down the comments next to each of the boxes;

12. (continue the rest of the steps yourself..)

Each of us comes into the world with certain limits to (a) see ourselves honestly, (b) analyse problems clearly, and (c) solve them carefully.

The steps above form the process to cover (a), (b) and (c).

How successful you can do so will only depend on how thorough and honest you want to do the steps. If you postpone, the problems and confusion will remain. If you do them now, it will be a start, even if it is a bit confusing at first.

I purposely write it longish so that you will try to think clearly on your own. Once you think clearly, you will be able to cover (a), (b) and (c) which is what the steps are targeting.

Once you know the root of yourself, how you come to be like this, and where it will likely lead you to next, then you can use your own will and good prayers to overcome problems or face up to them.

You can write another one hundred posts. It will not matter one bit if you don't sit down and think clearly and be aware of yourself, looking from outside.

Once you are clear about yourself, nature and other things, then you will carry on in life in such a way others will also respond to you in the way you would want to respond to others.

I don't know you; you don't know anyone of us. It doesn't matter. We all pass by one another through life.

What matters is that we ping some happiness and wisdom to one another to make the journey less problematic and more cheery.

So, do as i say.

And post the result.

complicated said...

Nice one walla!

You are right about me in some point! I know there is something wrong in me. And I am still have long way to solve myself.

So far I have let myself enjoy. I have learned to forgive myself.

But still have to do more healing.

However this post is actually written by me when I was in very good mood.

I have always keep changing my mind. No stability in my decision making.

complicated said...

You seem to know me. That means that I am very good in expressing myself in words!

Have a nice day!

walla said...

you got to be clear first whether it's pisces or taurus!

complicated said...

My profile clearly stated Pisces!!

walla said...

then the wedding photographer is someone else!

complicated said...

hehehe.. so funny. I'm not a wedding photographer!

walla said...

goodness, oil and gas !

complicated said...

What is wrong with you?? Don't fall in love into wrong person. hahhahaha..

Hard to believe that you thought that I am someone else.

Anyway, thanks for reading my blog