Oh my pitiful isolated blog, how you wish for me to revive you..
How to ask a girl out?
You can ask as in order her to go out. Is it too absurd? Beware that this tip does not work on every lady you met!
I guess this only work on lady who is strong will and usually known as career lady. Usually a lady who is intelligent and financially stable would want someone who is more powerful than her. Someone who is able to conquer her, to empower her. It is like Genghis Khan, barbaric yet attractive.
"Tonight we go to watch movie, I fetch you."
This is a sms I received on one evening. If you are in my position, would you be offended? Would you find it interesting? How would you feel?
It is interesting all right. Why not? It is just movie anyway.
Never in my dreams to think that he treated like a princess. It only need a sneeze, and another sneeze. He ordered a warm water and get me some tissues. Isn't it touching?
Everyone said 1st impression count. *wink wink*
It was so touching that I even forgot my checklist. For you guys out there, frankly every girl have their own checklist.
It is too late to check my checklist.
Being simple is enough.......