Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Repeated rejection?







This is not a Reject Shop!!!!

I only wish we are friend again.

Monday, April 19, 2010

ko chi pek

Being in a peaceful life without any disturbance until recently.
Why is it someone's life can be so disturbing to my life?
Yes, she is smarter than me in courting a guy.
But she is not smart when dealing with complication around that relationship.
Even it is such a normal friendship, why did she make it so complicated?

Or is he the problem? By giving signals that he is opening an option for her, when he is chasing another lady.

Can't he be satisfied with only one lady?
Why is he so greedy?

Another ko chi pek (horny guy) two faced politician.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Raining day

Raining day, raining heart.
Sun is coming out, so there is still hope.
Shit Happened. Let's kill the memory.
I know there is someone or something there.
However location unknown.
Even a GPS detector won't do.

Desperation creeping in.
Blame it on hormone.